## page.title genre authorship

The first page.title puzzle [was designed|https://wpcunofficial.miraheze.org/wiki/Tiger_in_the_Woods] by @Yoshigahara in 2002, but the goal was to find the shortest path rather than fill the grid.
@@ Zoltán Horváth @@ subsequently added this rule to make the current version of the puzzle (2005). So both can be considered co-authors of the genre.

### Tribute to @Yoshigahara

This page is also a tribute to @Yoshigahara -- please take the time to learn more about this great designer and inventor, for instance by reading [Ed Pegg's In memoriam|https://www.mathpuzzle.com/MAA/22-Nob%20Yoshigahara/mathgames_06_28_04.html]. 
As a great metabogrobologist (designer of mechanical puzzles) he gave his name to the [Nob Yoshigahara Puzzle Design Competition|https://puzzleworld.org/DesignCompetition/].

## page.title puzzles


### @PinkHoodie


### ´´lines-2´´


### ´´kiki´´


### ´´walls´´


## Acknowledgements
Thanks to @@ Edderiofer, david glasser, deusovi, xsheep, bakpao @@ for feedback on the genre that led to the addition of the //starting ring//.

**2023-09-07** Thank to @KuchiwoTsugumi for suggesting the rules be clarified
**2024-04-04** With the addition of directional lines, start and end rings were simplified
**2024-04-06** The extension of variant ´´lines-N´´ (that had a problem found by @PinkHoodie) now works correctly with start and end points (solution: use per-line max instead)
**2024-04-11** ´´walls´´ now works correctly the genre (cause: rule template needed to be upgraded to the V3 highlighter). Thanks @PinkHoodie!
**2024-04-12** :::puzzletters @PinkHoodie sent 1 classic plus 3 puzzles using variants ´´lines-2´´, ´´kiki´´ and ´´walls´´!