## About this variant

This is a variant of @ZacharyTalis' [Ionic Squares|ionic-squares], with a single exception: squares may be drawn freely in any direction, as long as all vertices are on the grid. It arose as site.author was testing different input modes for that genre.

## Tectonic Squares Puzzles


## Acknowledgements

Thanks to @ZacharyTalis for designing Ionic Squares, and to @Karoo, @Deusovi and @Dohz for pointing out [Taj Mahal|https://puzsq.logicpuzzle.app/?kind=253] as an example genre with similar type of input.

### Post-release changes

*16/02/2023* Clarification of the "non-crossing rule", with thanks to [pzdc|https://pzdc.hatenablog.com/entry/2023/02/12/174909]