${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}

## page.title puzzles

### @Yuyuki

### site.author

## Acknowledgements and Changes
**2023-06-16** Thanks to @Yuyuki for finding one non-uniqueness in site.author's puzzle, for making one example puzzle, and for feedback on this implementation!
**2023-06-16** Thanks to @XSheep for suggesting colour adjustments to distinguish between tiles better.
**2023-06-16** Thanks to @Karoo for noticing it wasn't clear numbers couldn't be crossed by lines nor shaded.
**2023-06-20** Thanks to @Edderiofer noticing "turns at crossings" weren't explicitly forbidden yet.
**2023-07-12** Thanks to @yuyuki for writing the japanese rules and making the genre page on @puzzsq
**2023-07-14** Thanks to @edderiofer for noticing missing auxmarks, now fixed
**2023-09-07** Shaded tiles now retain a small border so the colour of the tile underneath remains visible (thus solving a problem found by @KuchiwoTsugumi)
**2024-05-04** A recent visual regression causing shaded tiles to default to a lighter colour was corrected. Thanks @Edderiofer for noticing.