${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}
The rules of this were substantially reviewed in sync with this implementation, by @Scor who reduced all clues to number/question marks and devised the "dead end" rule, and @EricFox, who suggested drawing the segments along the gridlines and rephrased the rules in its current form.

A related genre is Nikoli's [amibo|https://puzz.link/amibo]

## page.title puzzles

### by page.author

@Scor made two commemorative page.title puzzles by occasion of this implementation:

### site.author


## Acknowledgements

**2023-08-16** [Redemption] page ready! Thanks to @scor for upgrading the genre rules by occasion of this implementation, for making commemorative puzzles and finding non-uniquenesses in site.author's puzzle (fixed). Thanks to @EricFox for rewording the rules and suggesting gridlines as the main segment drawing reference!

**2023-08-17** Thanks to @xsheep and @elidoris for suggesting enabling aux mark drawing at the puzzle outer border, and to @dohz for noticing the similarities to the genre amibo.