${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}

## page.title puzzles
### page.author

Using the Kudamono Editor, page.author made more page.title puzzles:


### site.author


### @PinkHoodie


## Variants

page.title has some variants available:

VARIANT															MEANING
[RGB loop]														page.title on an hexagonal grid, adding one extra colour (green) and 3 new colour crossings
[RB Masyu|paper-puzzle-player.html?W=6&EDIT=1&G=masyu&V=rb]		Mixes the rules of [Masyu] and page.title, except no shading is used nor all tiles need to be visited

### hasu-no-mura


This puzzle is a ´´hasu-no-mura´´ mashup, including the ´´full-optional´´ variant.

### Loop to path


This puzle uses the ´´loop-to-path´´ variant:

### ´´arrow-yajilin-solve´´


## Acknowledgements

**2023-04-11** Thanks to author @Yuyuki for feedback on the implementation, leading to several improvements!
**2023-04-19** Thanks to @@ Karoo, Deusovi, Chris S. and Tonite @@ for several suggestions for ongoing improvements to the genre in colourblindness situations / monochrome mode [[shift B]].
**2023-04-20** Thanks to @Edderiofer for spotting a highlighting miss with a self-intersecting longloop, now fixed, and for help clarifying the rules.
**2023-05-05** Added  "red cross" and "blue cross" marks, a suggestion by @Yuyuki. Also added "definitely red" and "definitely blue" markers.
**2023-05-26** Added the "unshaded tile" mark, a suggestion by @Yuyuki.
**2023-05-30** Improved the loop colouring algorithm, after suggestions of @Yuyuki, @TheGreatEscaper and @Menderbug.
**2023-06-12** Further changes to the loop colouring, after suggestions of @Yuyuki and @Menderbug.
**2023-06-17** Thanks to @TwoHoleStraw for suggesting the UI buttons remain pressed once selected!
**2023-09-08** Like in RGB Loop, shaded cells now retain border so that the underlying colour can be seen - thanks @Yuyuki, @MonokuroGreen and @Menderbug for feedback!
**2023-09-11** Added links to the two variants (thanks @Yuyuki) 
**2023-11-13** Patched a dragging bug reported by @AlbeyAmakiir - thank you! 
**2023-11-27** Fixed a non-uniqueness found by @Random8 (as well as a minor regression) - thank you! 
**2023-12-19** @PinkHoodie sent a classic RB Loop puzzle to celebrate PuzzleSquare Advent Calendar 2023 
**2023-12-20** Variant ´´no-shade´´ added (replaces usage of full variant, which was already included by default in the base rules of RB Loop)
**2024-01-01** @PinkHoodie made a ´´hasu-no-mura´´ mashup, combined with the recommended ´´full-optional´´ variant.
**2024-03-02** Two additional puzzles by @PinkHoodie: one classic and one using the ´´loop-to-path´´ variant; style upgrade to line-of-sight
**2024-06-10** Recent regression found by @yuyuki was reverted (cause: consolidation of colorisation and multi-line conflict template as one)
**2024-06-29** @PinkHoodie crafted a puzzle using variant ´´arrow-yajilin-solve´´!