

How to play


Play mode

Move with ${Hyper("ArrowKeys")}. When the bar becomes full, you run out of moves.

Press [[down]] when standing on an object (either a crate or your other self) to pick it. Press [[down]] again to drop it. Press against an edge to throw the object sideways over it.

Replay mode

Press ${Control("action")} to enter Replay Mode. Your future self will now replay all your moves... then you return into Play Mode.

Whenever your future self can't move in a particular direction, this move is simply skipped.

${Hyper("Instructions/Game")} ${Hyper("Instructions/Community")} Mentioned in ============ @StephenLavelle's [Puzzlescript Gallery|] ${Hyper("GameCredits")}

Special thanks

@wainwright, for impressive feedback, both in quality and quantity (see changelogs below).

@@ puzzlescript,perconti,thatscar,draknek,lavelle @@ for different levels of feedback.


How was the name PMGRP chosen?

Play Mini Gemini Replay PMGRP is a Recursive Acronym, as the last P in PMGRP refers to the game itself. This results in an infinite name that means play again and again, forever.

It also contains imperfect symmetry, as highlighted: Play Mini Ge-Mini Re-Play. This reflects the slight differences during replay mode due to interactions between the player and its future self.