${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}
This genre is similar to [Crosswall], the key difference resides in empty loop-delimited areas, which are allowed in crosswall but disallowed in page.title. Consequently, question marks are not redundant in page.title.

## page.title puzzles

### @PinkHoodie

This puzzle only uses question marks:

## Variants

### ´´territory-araf´´

## Changes

**2023-12-06** @PinkHoodie sent ~~the first~~ Loom puzzle disproving the statement that "all numbers have crosswall number 1", and wisely suggested question marks be added - thank you!
**2023-12-17** @PinkHoodie sent a second Loom puzzle!
**2024-01-21** Clarified loom rules and further improved the error checker to deal with absent tiles correctly (@PinkHoodie)
**2024-01-22** A new [loom] by @PinkHoodie was listed!
**2024-01-26** The fourth [loom] puzzle by @PinkHoodie is now listed - thank you!
**2024-01-28** A puzzle by @PinkHoodie using ?????
**2024-02-08** @PinkHoodie masterfully redesigned [loom] rule panels in the [modern format|kudamono/panels#modern].
**2024-02-08** @PinkHoodie also sent a 8x8 puzzle, increasing the streak, and reported a consequence of a deeper model inheritance bug that was causing question marks to disappear again (fixed).
**2024-03-29** The ´´araf´´ variant was put to great use in [Loom] by @PinkHoodie