This is an attempt to summarise the history of [#past versions] as well as organise features for [#upcoming versions].

Past versions

**2024-08-30** ==V.42== Auto modes (solving) added to every genre. Tap and pointer click behaviour separated; sequential gestures produce sequential behaviour.
**2024-07-31** ==V.41== Generalised symbol-line collision; optimised font loading; derived templates; letter dial
**2024-05-10** ==V.40== Number dial (replaces number input buttons); negative number support; timer pauses on blur;
**2024-03-31** ==V.39== Live segment drawing for instant feedback; finer aux mark encoding; framework for input unit tests completed;

All Entries before 39 were [retrospectively|kudamono/retrospective] added.

**2024-02-28** ==V.38== Direline input mode; keyboard shortcuts for all line types; Aux button removed; Quantitative- variant templates accept any natural number;
**2024-01-31** ==V.37== Numberline input mode; Variant rules panels on-demand, with fine-grained credits and unit testing; Subtractive variants; dash style autoscaling based on geometry
**2023-12-31** ==V.36== Multi-line encoding; P-parameters reencoded to specific names; colour palette standardisation; dragging performance improvements (debouncing, sdfs, disabling preview cursors)
**2023-11-30** ==V.35== Modal rules display; Auto-mode cursor; Arrow key shortcuts restricted to edit mode; Variant system upgrade (subvariants); Penpa-import for hex grids; Mesh upgrade for performance, fine-tuning line behaviour at the border;
**2023-10-31** ==V.34== Custom cursors upgraded (smaller, uniformised, responsive); stable colouring for variegated lines/regions; Penpa import for given lines; mode-switching improvements (precedence fix, better mousewheel cycling, tooltips); Genre pages moved to folder while loading puzzles to canonical player url; Variants template applied last;
**2023-09-30** ==V.33== Kudamono highlighter V3; default font changed for cross-device consistency; Symbols now encoded by placement; Given/Solve lines encoded separately (forest module); Penpa import (genre autodetect, shaded,absent tiles, some arrows,letter); import for variant urls; Changestreams; Navigation buttons for puzzle collections;
**2023-08-31** ==V.32== Puzzle encoding V2 (numerical, not lexicograhic; board size matches cell number); Penpa import (batch import, numbers, pearls); Geometry-aware placements; Unit test system extended to variants;
**2023-07-30** ==V.31== Board rotation and mirroring (menu, updated shortcuts, accounts for symbol placement); Aux mark improvements (tooltips, larger icons, mode toggle shortcut, placeable from edit mode ); Independent symbol dragging mode; import began; Genre remixing; New Puzzle button and page; Loading chunking and racing issues fixed; Instant feedback on changing symbol (cursor) or toggling highlighing;
**2023-06-31** ==V.30== Additive highlighting (pins, streaks, lands); Negative variants, comma separator and muli-variant pages; Outside/Inside symbol encoding split; Extended numbers to 99; Ui improvements (selected buttons stay pressed, interactions outside the puzzle handed back to normal page navigation, Tooltips on every metadata field); Symbol insertion (add/remove adjacents, by-placement or in/ex restriction); Robust placement via basix.
**2023-05-31** ==V.29== Variant encoding ´´&V=´´; Movement input mode; Multi-genre pages; Alternate shortcuts; Standardised encoding of absent tiles to x; middleclick for edit/solve mode togggling; Finer control of aux mark interaction with lines/symbols; Style given/solve lines differently; Detatch panel explanations from highlighting rules
**2023-04-30** ==V.28== Parenthised number encoding; Tool selection menu changes (symbol, line, aux, sketch on-demand); Candidates aux marks; Aux shortcurs table; Pass/fail icons for panels; Paste url to load;
**2023-03-31** ==V.27== Diamond Grid; Adaptive zoom; Genre designer (live refreshing, ide-style shortcuts, click-to-load serial, export); Negative scopes; Divided segments; more powerful P-parameters; Puzzles in galleries rendered faster and consistently, scaling to fit available space; Hex grid and undo stack fixes
**2023-02-28** ==V.26== P-parameters now live-editable; Interchangeable dragging of symbols/marks with multiple forms; Grid axis legends; Better symbol collision layers; New aux marks: monomino, alphabet, diagonal, knight, rotated hex crosses; Kudamono [Featherdown] plugin; Diverse cursor fixes
**2023-01-31** ==V.25== Better image generation (custom size in px, auto-adjustable border, ability to include/exclude aux marks and solution, toggle monochrome and highlighting); Standardised highlighting styles; Separate text styling properties; Relative hue, lightness and saturation styling; Aux mark cycling; Cursor previews; Better print layout

Before 2023 record-keeping was less complete, many aspects may be missing or innacurate:

**2022-12-31** ==V.24== Grid transforms menu; Puzzle timer on completion with click-to-copy; Alternate symbols for monochrome; Locked compass mode; Rectangular mode (much improved); Auto-excluding solution and marks from exported urls
**2022-11-30** ==V.23== Upgrade errorcheck unit test system (per-genre pass/fail object, keyword-based genre filtering, go-to button loads puzzle test case directly); Radial input mode; Grids page; Ability to specify layer drawing order; Modular scopes in tabula; Per-genre links to alternate implementations and to databases
**2022-10-31** ==V.22== Absent tiles (invisible); Tile shadows; Better support for numeric symbols; Genre pages rewrite in [Featherdown] plus pipeline dependency listing/execution decoupling 
**2022-09-30** ==V.21== Automatic picture generation; Hot-reloading of genres; [Puzlog|../puzlog/index.html], [Paper puzzle masterlist]
**2022-08-31** ==V.20== Ability to add both lines and symbols in solve mode; Aux button (for mobile accessibility); Line thickness auto-scaling;
**2022-07-30** ==V.19== Searchable, hierarchic, [Paper Puzzle page]; Genre pages with Bookshelf menu, Printing buttons and breadcrumbs
**2022-06-31** ==V.18== Hex grid; ability to add symbols solve mode; Sequential keyboard shortcuts (e.g. for multi-digit numbers); Puzzle link sharing menu; 
**2022-05-31** ==V.17== Deep renaming chains supported in colour palettes
**2022-04-30** ==V.16== ???
**2022-03-31** ==V.15== ???
**2022-02-28** ==V.14== ???
**2021-01-31** ==V.13== ???
**2021-12-31** ==V.12== P-parameters added to url
**2021-11-30** ==V.11== Error checking support for "free division" genres
**2021-10-31** ==V.10== Error checking support for "orthogonal" region division genres; Rectangular Input mode (first version); preliminary "pins"; All-genre unit test page
**2021-09-30** ==V.09== Free line mode; Arrow symbols
**2021-08-30** ==V.08== Arbitrary placement and visualisation of errors; Emoji support
**2021-07-31** ==V.07== Sketch lines
**2021-06-30** ==V.06== Grid style inheritance for grid/frame/dots on solve/edit/win; Textual-numeric symbols (with cursors and shortcuts); 
**2021-05-31** ==V.05== Reactive metadata fields (in sync with url); Symbol insertion improvements (multiple symbols in same spot, drawing order, symbols at different placements within a cell);
**2021-04-30** ==V.04== ???
**2021-03-31** ==V.03== ???
**2021-02-30** ==V.02== ???
**2021-01-31** ==V.01== Symbol and line opacity; Board Rotation; External grid cells; Line-shape/compass notation; Multi-gallery page
**2020-12-12** ==V.00== Shareable URL; Draw lines in solve mode; Add symbols in edit mode; Basic keyboard shortcuts

For details about each version, please read the [retrospective|kudamono/retrospective].

Upcoming versions

?		TBA			inputs initiative + deeply configurable auto-input
?		TBA			negative numbers, Polar input for numbers
?		TBA			drag and drop imports

If a particular feature, upcoming or not, is important to you, please be sure to @@@ let know! @@@

// Other features:
// - triangular grids
// - export the history of a puzzle as a web page
// - replay urls
// - winless / unchecked / partially checked / fully checked (default) modes