${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}
## [starry-knights] puzzles 

### @Deusovi


### site.author


## Acknowledgements and Changes

Thanks to @Deusovi for several significant suggestions and for allowing the reproduction of the first [starry-knights] puzzle!

Thanks to @@dohz, X-sheep, Menderbug and TheGreatEscaper@@ for discussing the expected behaviour on ragged grids.

Thanks to @Menderbug for finding a mistake in the rules text, now corrected, and for suggesting adjacent aux marks.

Thanks to @Blaz for finding a severe bug in this drawing mode, now fixed.

Finally, thanks to @@Deusovi, edderiofer and Menderbug@@ for unique-checking the puzzles on this page! 

## Acknowledgements and Changes

**2024-01-16** Thanks to @JustKirb for noticing a regression (fixed)