${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}

## [speckled-bands] Puzzles

### @AnuragSahay

### @PinkHoodie

## Acknowledgements and Changes
**2025-01-25** Thanks to @てけてけ for sending a comprehensive list of test cases for the [Speckled Bands] ruleset!
**2025-01-26** Stronger colours were added, for improved visibility (@AnuragSahay)
**2025-01-27** Thanks to @AnuragSahay for crafting the [rule panels|../panels] for [Speckled Bands], a considerable challenge
**2025-01-28** @AnuragSahay sent a small, a medium and a large [Speckled Bands] puzzles for rollout. Thank you!
**2025-01-29** Thanks to @てけてけ for feedback on the implementation and suggestions, that resulted in the added option to manually colour the territories, as well as in more precise error highlighting.
**2025-01-30** Thanks to @PinkHoodie for sending a rollout [Speckled Bands] puzzle!
**2025-02-02** :::puzzletters @PinkHoodie mailed 1 [speckled-bands] (classic) puzzle - grazie!
**2025-02-03** When manually colouring regions, at most one colour marker should be added per region. This avoids unnecessarily long urls (please reencode any puzzles having multiple markers).