${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}
## Soulmates puzzles

### site.author

#### Classics
// W=9x5&LF=b2y4e4y3y1g1a2a5y1c5y2y1e3y4b4&L=d0b4f1d3f1e10c2g3e1f10d1f3b1d4&G=soulmates&T=Adversarial&N=128&F=3&D=2023-02-03

#### Hex


This puzzle uses the ´´hex´´ variant

#### Math


This uses the ´´math´´ variant:

### @PinkHoodie

#### Classics
A 16 by 6 Soulmates classic, with no-number givens:

#### Hex
This is the original ´´hex´´ variant soulmates puzzle:

#### Kropki


Finally, an excellent ´´kropki´´ soulmates:

## Acknowledgements and Changes
Thanks to @GESAKU for substantial design feedback on this genre which resulted in numerous improvements, and to @wand125 for bridging the connection!

### Post-release changes
07/02/2023 Thanks to @Edderiofer and @monokurogreen for suggestions which led to the following ongoing changes:
- aux symbol meanings clarified and keyboard shortcuts remapped
- misaligment between cursor and hitboxes (fixed)
- cursor disappearing on undo (fixed)
- aux button not working with special auxed symbols (fixed)
- distinguishing player-inserted from pre-placed numbers

**2023-04-19** Thanks to @sevenkplus for detecting a bug in the symbol erasing shortcuts, now fixed
**2023-09-29** The font was temporarily replaced to resolve vertical alignment issues with the original font reported by @Menderbug. Apologies for the inconvenience.
**2023-12-02** A colour instability was fixed.
**2023-12-03** Replaced contiguous aux marks by dial-number pencil marks (@stef), and fixed the circled-square combo.
**2023-12-04** Variants "adjacent-numbers-non-consecutive", "adjacent-different" and "some-mark" added, ideas by @Solyu!
**2023-12-04** The curstom cursor is now restored on undo - thanks @EliDoris!
**2023-12-12** Clarified the "adjacent-different" variant name (@PinkHoodie) and fixed an issue with "white square" marks in this variant.
**2023-12-28** Variant ´´hex´´ now highlights correctly in Soulmates - @PinkHoodie sent the original Soulmates ´´hex´´ variant puzzle for listing!
**2024-01-04** An edge-case causing the empty board to light up in the presence of no-number cells was fixed - thanks @PinkHoodie for noticing. 
**2024-01-05** The ´´kropki´´ variant now works with ´´hex´´ - thanks @PinkHoodie!
**2024-01-05** :::puzzletters @PinkHoodie sent one classic and one ´´kropki´´ soulmates for listing!
**2024-01-09** The ´´math´´ variant is now fully compatible with soulmates, as empty cells near an operation are highlighted (@PinkHoodie). A puzzle was added.
**2024-02-18** Reintroduced sketch lines (@Menderbug) and constrained possible numbers to (current) board size.
**2024-02-27** Added edge square marks and finer number pair highlighting, some of the suggestions by @Menderbug
**2024-03-07** @PinkHoodie made an Enigmarch-themed classic [soulmates]
**2024-03-08** A bug whereby sketch lines weren't being sent for encoding was fixed (@Menderbug)
**2024-05-09** Aux mark regression detected by @Menderbug was corrected (cause: deprecated ´´auxed´´ property). Also, small candidate aux marks were removed in this genre.
**2024-09-24** Candidate marks now use the number dial, are diagonally placed, and have no limit. Thus they could be re-added to [Soulmates], a suggestion by @Menderbug.
**2024-10-06** A few extra input unit tests (collision) were added, after feedback by @MartinEnder, to prevent regressions.
**2024-10-07** The auxilliary number ring was removed since it became redundant after adding candidate marks.
**2024-10-08** Typing a number in candidates submode no longer returns to definite number submode number, but lets us pick that aux number instead (@Menderbug)
**2024-10-14** A mistaken axis labels ordering detected by @MonokuroGreen was corrected (cause: recent axis label drawing refactor)