${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}

|:info: @Moru's solver can be downloaded via [this link|https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OBgSIyYDqstKXR3nRaLrOga1y_7t_pf-/view] (executable file)

##[sniping-arrow] Puzzles

### @Yuyuki


### @PinkHoodie


## Acknowledgements and Changes
**2024-06-24** Thanks to @yuyuki for extensive feedback that helped polish the implementation, and for making 3 example puzzles, including the one that was extended to integrate the rule panels!
**2024-06-27** The final version of the [panels|../panels] was produces, and the last major bugs corrected (input collisions). 
**2024-06-29** @PinkHoodie made two puzzles for the rollout and suggested including question marks (which represent any number)
**2024-07-26** Global variant ´´start-finish´´ has now has a local adaptation to [Sniping Arrow], after an idea by @PinkHoodie, who also made the variant rule panel, for this and the ´´endpoints´´ variant. Thank you!
**2024-12-02** Thanks to @Moru for creating a solver for [Sniping Arrow], with the ability to export Kudamono urls!