${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}

## [seiza] Puzzles

### @PinkHoodie

## Acknowledgements and Changes
**2024-11-15** Several pre-release improvements to the draft, aided by detailed feedback from @PinkHoodie.
**2024-11-16** @PinkHoodie diligently prepared the [rule panels|../panels] and cover pic for [Seiza] (also known as "if I were a constellation"), and sent a rollout puzzle - thank you!
**2024-11-18** A second rollout puzzle was sent by @PinkHoodie - thank you!
**2024-11-18** A regression found by @PinkHoodie was fixed (cause: an underlying template escaped batch renaming due to a particular pattern)
**2024-11-26** Thanks to @PinkHoodie for making the variant rule panel for ´´barier´´ in [Seiza]
**2024-11-28** Tile-centered aux marks upgraded (to barrier-like aux marks) to prevent collision with lines. Also, these can now be dragged in automode, with a mouse. Thanks @Menderbug for the suggestions!
**2024-12-09** :::Advariants Local variant ´´double´´ added to [Seiza], an idea by @PinkHoodie, who helped clarify the exact behaviour by sending a good unit test. Thank you!