${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}

This genre appears to be an initial idea that later on led to the development of [Soulmates]. Note the distances are measured differently (off by one).

|:warn: The condition "equal numbers may not be adjacent" appears to be part of the original rules but also to be redundant, so it was not included in the panels. 
| So it is possible that there was an error in the translation of the rules, or that the implementation is incomplete.

## page.title puzzles

### @PinkHoodie


## Acknowledgments and Changes

**2024-05-01** Thanks to @AnuragSahay for making the panels for this genre. The [modern format|kudamono/panels#modern].
**2024-05-07** @PinkHoodie sent a puzzle for the rollout! Also, the panels were slightly edited.
**2024-09-14** @PinkHoodie sent 1 classic - thank you!