## About @ArviTeikari designed [[legalese]|page.exurl] and shared it at the @Thinky. Below is an interactive port. For a bird's eye view of his [paper puzzle collection|https://www.hempuli.com/games/games.php?title=pp], be sure to check the conveniently gathered and printable [pdf document|https://www.hempuli.com/Collection.pdf]! ## @ArviTeikari's original [legalese] puzzles W=15x6&L=b7w6w1w3w8w2w6w14w4w4w2w6w7w7b2w8&SS=79EUUNLLWDDWWLNNUUERRSDDSREUNNLWDDWWLNNLLNUERRSDDWLL&G=legalese&A=ArviTeikari&D=2021-05-14&K=IHNN,Karoo,dohz&T=Modified_Hancock ## Acknowledgements and Changes **2023-12-18** Thanks to @JustKirb for finding a new unit test case that wasn't highlighting properly. **2024-03-04** @Just Kirb created a set of [rule panels in the modern format|../panels#modern] for [legalese] - thank you! **2024-04-24** Diagonal aux marks are no longer offset (@dohz). Thanks to @dohz for reencoding the puzzle, and @JustImagineIt for noticing the issue. **2025-02-20** Corrected a longstanding visual glitch whereby the grid dots were shown in incorrect positions (also for [chainlink] and [mountain climber])