
Possible future puzzles are listed under [#Fruit Expansions].
Suggestions? Excited about a particular idea? Do @@@ let know @@@!

## Kudamono Gallery
###'s originals


### @ErichFriedman

On 07/09/2021, @ErichFriedman has made a batch of Kudamono Date Puzzles!

Here's the original [paper version|§/Dates.pdf] and [all answers|§/Dates Answers.pdf].


### @Stingby12


### Old ruleset

These puzzles use an older ruleset (particularly for pears) that was discontinued.



## Acknowledgements and Changes

Special thanks to @Dohz for trying (almost) all the puzzles, resulting in substantial improvements!

In no particular order, thanks to @@ Dohz, toomblercazz, portponky, deusovi, knexator, mansfield, draknek, norgg, hempuli, zach, skymoo, escaper, koswara, ihnn, omnipresentcoffee, le slo, kutilek, edderiofer, gate88 @@ (inn the the @thinky) for feedback, new ideas & inspiration, rule clarification, playtesting, interesting discussions about uniqueness, and great puzzle references.

Finally, thanks to @ErichFriedman for making the [set of above date puzzles|#Erich].

**2023-08-01** Thanks to @kuchiwo for livestreaming [Kudamono] - the two bugs were fixed (line colour not showing, and fruit not being placed in edit mode)
**2023-10-08** Thanks to @carrick22 for suggesting two panel clarifications and sharing two new fruit ideas
**2023-10-20** Thanks to @carrick22 noticing a problem with the honeyberry rule (now fixed and clarified with one extra panel); to @dohz for spotting a redirect problem, now fixed.
**2023-12-19** Thanks to @JustKirb for spotting a honeyberry regression, fixed
**2024-03-01** A recent regression foun by @5381 was corrected. Cause: improper property shadowing after refatctoring and missing unit test. Old ruleset picture paths fixed.

## On Kudamono's Design


###Fruit Expansions

####Included ideas
- blackberries - lines curve always, except at a blackberry, where they go straight: @Mansfield;
- coconut;
- dates - a ‘branch network’ of straight lines connecting every single date. Every straight line in this branch network has a date at (at least?) one of its endpoints: @escaper;
- star fruit - a show-offy fruit type which must have more line segments dedicated to it than any other fruit type :@toomblercazz
- watermelon - like melons, but unique loops:@Stingby12
- banana - ~~ bananas connect to a single point (which is a banana), bananas connect diagonally ~~ L-shapes : @@ draknek, Portponky @@;
- haskap - shape variety: 1 fruit per loop, loops of different ~~areas~~ shapes

####More likely ideas
- prickly pear - only uses T-shapes, dangles everywhere. Loop? Any number may be connected.
- pineapple - pineapples connect from the bottom (such a strange fruit): @portponky
- blackcurrants:@portponky
- peas - can connect only through straight lines. Can contain any number of itself, but may only end on fruits @carrick22
- a fruit must connect by 2 or more, and each segment on a path must be of different length. Maybe all fruit must be either on an endpoint or a turn (not fruit inside a straight segment). @carrick22

####Possible ideas
- raspberry
- plum
- chestnut
- strawberries and other iconic fruit:@portponky
- loquat
- durian
- arbousier
- persimmon
- pomegranate - pomegranate lines must surround any number of pomegranates without leaving empty space within.

####Less likely ideas
- tomato - each tomato can pretend to be a fruit (of a different type);
- melon seeds - must be contained inside melon loops: @draknek;
- (apple) tree: if there is a tree in the puzzle, all apples have to be the same shape: @draknek;
- fruits inside squares: @draknek;
- region division puzzles: @koswara;
- raisins - connect like grapes, but diagonally (because of all the sunlight): @portponky;

### Editor roadmap
Check the [kudamono editor roadmap|kudamono-editor.html#Roadmap"].

### Design goals
Kudamono should be [#memorable], [#easy to learn], [#pleasant] and [#multimedia].

#### Memorable
The rules in kudamono, as well as the assigned fruit, should be easy to remember, even if dozens of fruits are added.

Memorable rules are:
- ==related==: to certain fruit properties (e.g. cherry: pairs, grape: bunch (all together), blackberry: path resembles brambles, date: path resembles a branch of dates);
- ==concise==: described with few words and depicted win a small 2x2 square;
- ==paired==: (e.g grapes and cherries, apples and pears);

The very first kudamono puzzle contained a small rhyme. This was fun but didn't work well. Other memorable ideas: adding mnemonics: @escaper, changing the symbols to reflect the rules more accurately: @koswara.

#### Learnable
Kudamono should be easy to learn, even if the puzzles are challenging.

Learnable rule examples are:
- ==unique==: rule examples should be unique
- ==exhaustive==: rule examples should try to exclude all possible ambiguous interpretations

Other factors that ease learning:
- ==standalone fruits==: fruits should be playable standalone, enabling easy tutorial puzzles
- ==instant visual feedback==: both interactive error checking and a confirmation of winning
- ==consistent graphics==: lines acquire the colour of the fruit they touch (blend if too many), dashed lines or semi-transparent fruits associate with errors consistently.

Early puzzles contained issue sheets, displaying the different types of errors, on the path to a solved puzzle. This worked well, but is time-consuming. Plus, if the rules change, they need to be redone.

Some fruit rules are too simple to work stand-alone, e.g. the *melon*, *lemon* and *blueberries*. Here the the interaction with other fruits is emphasised. As long as these rules are simple, this does not impair learnability.

#### Pleasant
Kudamono should evoke feelings of happiness, cuteness.Some ideas:
- ==Simplicity==: fruits are a concept anyone understands;
- ==Likeability==: everybody likes some fruit;
- ==Colourfulness==: along the solving process, the level becomes gradually more colourful;
- ==Details==: fruity cursor, are cute.

#### Multimedia
Kudamono should be playable on different media:
- ==Print (colour)== - on colourful glossy printed paper (e.g. magazines);
- ==Print (B&W)== - on black & white printed paper, to be played with a pen, pencil or crayons;
- ==Touch== - to be played with fingers on iPad, hybrid laptops or mobile devices;
- ==Mouse== - to be played with mouse exclusively;
- ==Keyboard== - to be played with keyboard exclusively;

Helpful ideas:
- ==Silhouettes== are sufficiently distinct for each fruit, even in black and white;
- ==Multiple controls== enable mouse.only, touch-only, keyboard-only interaction;

### What is the Kudamono Editor?
The [Kudamono Editor|kudamono-editor] is the software powering kudamono. Turns out it can be used for many other [paper puzzles|paper-puzzle.html]!

### Why is the puzzle named Kudamono?
Kudamono is a japanese word for fruit. It's common for paper puzzles to have names in japanese (e.g Sudoku, Kakuro, Masyu, etc...) because many were invented in Japan.

###How does kudamono relate to other paper puzzles?
####Specific rules
Some fruit rules are reminiscent of other genres. For instance, the **lemon rule** is so simple that it finds equivalents in many genres, e.g. the crosses in [OX Loop|ox-loop]. The **blackberry rule** relates to the white circles in [Total Masyu|masyu-total], except that multiple loops are allowed and many blackberries can form a straight line.

#### Rule dynamics
##### Geisterbahn
There is a rich set of symbol-rules, a subset of which picked for each puzzle and presented visually via concise, self-descriptive pic. **Key differences:** Geisterbahn is about placing numbers, while Kudamono is about drawing lines. Also, in Geisterbahn, symbols tend to affect a predetermined area, while in Kudamono, unforeseen long-range effects are usual.

##### The Witness, the Witless, ISYWANYWT
All genres are about drawing lines, usually on an Euclidean grid, with a rich set of rules-symbols that can be combined. The main difference is the inductive aspect of these genres, contrasting with the purely deductive Kudamono.

#### Genres inspired by Kudamono
##### Bonsai gardening
This challenging [paper puzzle genre|bonsai.html] might have been partially inspired by Kudamono: a rich set of symbol-rules, through which lines are drawn. Key differences: the Bonsai tree encompasses all symbols and must fill the entire board (starting from a root).