${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")} This genre can be seen as mixture of genres [Nurikabe] (often portrayed with islands) and Snake. Hence its name is a taken from a landmark locally known as "Snake Island". ## [golem-grad] Puzzles ### @PinkHoodie W=16x6&L=e1(2)9e2(1)2e1e9(3)2(3)12e1(6)14(7)7(4)8e7y13&SS=12URUUL12RUUUULLULLLDDRDDL51RUURRDDDLDLLLLLDLLUURRURRUULLDLLDL&G=golem-grad&A=PinkHoodie&D=2025-01-23&F=2&T=16x6_1 W=6x6&L=e7e2(1)1(5)11y2(1)7&SS=9RDDDRRURUUULLLULLDDDDR&G=golem-grad&A=PinkHoodie&D=2025-01-22&F=2&T=Self-wind ### @JackLance This puzzle was transcribed posthumously with permission from the author. W=8x8&L=e0e7e1(1)4e3e1e7e1(2)3e4e1e7e1(3)2e5e1e7e1e7&G=golem-grad&A=Jack_Lance&B=Pedro&D=2004-08-11&N=66&T=Wednesday_Golem_Grad&U=jacoblance.wordpress.com/2014/11/08/puzzle-66-golem-grad/ ## Acknowledgements and Changes **2025-01-01** Thanks @PinkHoodie for noticing an incorrect case, corrected before the release **2025-01-08** Thanks @Rook for automode suggestions and for quickly detecting a global regression. **2025-01-09** @Rook detected a missing constraint before the release, now added - thank you! **2025-01-12** Translucent vertex highlighting, so that the lines underneath remain visible, for a more ergonomic solving. **2025-01-22** Thanks to @Rook for meticulously making the rule panels of [Golem Grad], through several iterations! The latest includes a bottom row to clarify that empty areas can be part of the solution. **2025-01-23** Thanks to @PinkHoodie for sending a [Golem Grad] puzzle for rollout. Also, @JackLance's puzzle was added. **2025-01-26** :::puzzletters @PinkHoodie composed 1 [golem-grad] (classic) puzzle as part of the 16x6 series!