${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")} ## [corridors] Puzzles ### @PinkHoodie W=5x5&L=w1w1w4b2b1w5b9b1&SSE=2RDRRRUUUR6URDRUU3DRRU&P-AREAS=2,6,8,9&G=corridors&A=PinkHoodie&D=2024-10-11&F=2&T=Cosins W=5x5&L=w0w1b2b1w2w1b16b1&SSE=1RRRRUUUR6URRULURU1UUL&P-AREAS=3,6,8&G=corridors&A=PinkHoodie&D=2024-10-11&F=3&T=Decoa ## Acknowledgements and Changes **2024-10-11** Many thanks to @PinkHoodie for significant feeedback on this [Corridors] puzzle genre implementation, sending metadata and for making (and re-making) the [rule panels|../panels] and cover pic! **2024-10-11** @PinkHoodie sent the first two [corridors] puzzles for rollout, and sent a great unit test for a missing check (all listed areas must be used) plus a clarification panel.