${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}

This genre is more often known as "Stardust", after @SerkanYurekli's [2012 blog post|https://yureklis.wordpress.com/2012/06/25/stardust/].

site.author believes a direct translation of the initial japanese name ブラックホール as [Black holes] better captures @YosukeImai's [intent and metaphor|https://blog.goo.ne.jp/puzzle_101/e/050eb1e184d1844ccdb3c7349ab13812].

## [black-holes] Puzzles

### PinkHoodie

## Variants

### ´´hex´´

## Acknowledgements and Changes
**2024-02-09** @JustKirb redid the panels for [Black Holes] in the [Modern Format|../panels#modern] -  thank you!
**2024-03-29** A classic plus to ´´hex´´ variants by @PinkHoodie are now available. Thank you!
**2024-11-13** Many thanks to @TakeyaSaikachi for discovering that @YosukeImai is the original author [Black Holes], nowadays often known as "stardust".
**2024-11-22** [Black Holes] now work correctly with the ´´hex´´ variant (thanks @random8!)