
Besides the [standard drawing mode|§root/kudamono-editor#draw] used in most [§root/paper-puzzle.html], certain genres add special drawing modes for extra convenience:

Rectangular mode

Dragging an implicit rectangle diagonal will draw/erase a complete rectangle in one stroke.
All while preserving the ability to draw/erase single sides and individual segments.
In addition, a click will draw/erase a single segment.

§folder/input-rectangle.gif ((medium))

This mode can be experienced, for example, in [Chainlink] and [Rectangle Puzzles].

Orthogonal Squares mode

This mode works exactly like rectangle mode, but using the closest square diagonal, with squares restricted to orthogonal directions.
§folder/input-square.gif ((medium))

This mode can be experienced, for example, in [Ionic Squares].

Free Squares mode

In this mode, dragging an implicit square diagonal will draw/erase a complete square in one stroke, not restricted to orthogonal directions.

§folder/input-square-free.gif ((medium))

This mode can be experienced, for example, in [Tectonic Squares] and [Dot Square]

Ray mode

The closest ray (restricted to the directions of interest) arising from the drag origin and in the direction of the current position is drawn, only stopping at particular obstacles or the edge of the grid. 
Rays are erased likewise.

§folder/input-ray.gif ((medium))

This mode can be experienced in [Flashlights] and [Crossing Flashlights].

Thanks @JackLance for suggesting this mode.

Locked Compass mode

The first direction of dragging constrains the allowed directions as the dragging continues.
However, when erasing, there are no constraints.

§folder/input-memory.gif ((medium))

This mode can be experienced in [Ice Dance Pair].

Thanks to @Wand125 for suggesting this mode.

Movement mode

Line can only be drawn starting at a piece's current position.
Constraints such as obstacles are automatically enforced.

§folder/input-movement.gif ((medium))

This mode can be experienced in [Brownies] and [Starry Knight].

Thanks to @X-Sheep for suggesting this mode.