${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}

There' an [hand-drawn puzzle available|https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfi01VyuL8V].

| :info: This genre makes heavy use of the V40 "number dial" feature. Please @@@ contact site.author@@@ with any feedback you may have.

##page.title Puzzles

### @AnuragSahay

### @PinkHoodie

##Acknowledgements and Changes
**2024-05-23** Many thanks to @Laclale for compiling all the metadata for [honey dozen] -- well done! 
**2024-05-23** Thanks to @AnuragSahay for implementaiton feedback and for flawlessly making the [rule panels|kudamono/panels#modern] for [Honey Dozen] (now clarified) thank you!
**2024-05-24** @AnuragSahay and @PinkHoodie sent a puzzle for the rollout. Thank you!
**2024-05-24** Out-of-grid sum lines, suggested by @PinkHoodie (who also sent a unit test)  are now officially supported in [Honey dozen]. Thank you!