${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}

##page.title Puzzles

### @PinkHoodie


##Acknowledgements and Changes
**2024-04-22** Thanks to @AnuragSahay for making the panels for [Firewall] in the [modern format|kudamono/panels#modern]!
**2024-05-14** @PinkHoodie sent a [Firewall] puzzle for the rollout. Also, number clues were restricted to values 3 or higher. Thank you!
**2024-05-22** The rules text was clarified, after feedback from @dohz - thank you. 
**2024-05-24** @PinkHoodie included this genre in a [puzzle series themed after the 26 letters of the alphabet|kudamono/puzzletters/2024-05-24]!
**2024-06-15** @PinkHoodie sent 1 classic - thank you!