${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}

This genre shares some similarities with @Menderbug's Loom.

## page.title puzzles 

### site.author

### @AnuragSahay

### @PinkHoodie


## Variants

### ´´heterocut´´


## Acknowledgements
Thanks to @Solyu for important feedback on the implementation, and to @Wand125 for connecting us.

**2023-05-15** Thanks to @semiexp for noticing that the contiguous mark should have been allowed at the border (fixed), and to @solyu for providing an example where the **winding number** (how many times the loop winds around a point) is not equivalent to the **crosswall number** (minimum number of loop crossings that would be needed to reach the outermost area), and @Menderbug for suggestions to improve the implementation on mobile.
**2023-05-18** Added two additional shading colours
**2023-06-28** Thanks to @MartinEnder for noticing the board rotation wasn't working (fixed)
**2023-09-16** The default font changed, for consistency across all devices. This also solved an issue reported by @DonnyTheNuts on ipad.
**2023-11-13** Improved highlighting with multiple crosswall numbers per area, changed highlighting to confirm correct areas, added variegation and an extra rule panel.
**2023-11-13** Better calculation of the crosswall number for boards with removed tiles
**2023-11-14** Variant *directions* now works with any genres with crosswall-like lines.
**2023-12-06** Crosswall aux mark button colour restored, a regression found by @XSheep. Also, numbers can no longer be placed on top of absent tiles (@PinkHoodie).
**2023-12-07** Encoding fix for the directions variant, ensuring all arrows on the puzzle border are kept (@PinkHoodie).
**2023-12-11** Snake variant now displays correctly for non-tile-centered line genres.
**2023-12-31** Thanks to @Menderbug for finding a very recent regression that wasn't covered by a unit test, now fixed.
**2024-01-16** Variant ´´match-parity´´ promoted to global, so it can now be used in genres such as [Nurikabe Loop], a suggestion by @PinkHoodie 
**2024-02-27** A recent regression reported by @Edderiofer was corrected (cause: ongoing work with input modes) and @Anurag sent a classic 6x6 - thank you!
**2024-02-29** @PinkHoodie sent two extra-wide crosswalls. Thank you!
**2024-03-01** @EliDoris and @Pedro collaboratively [modernised the rule panels|kudamono/panels#modern] for [Crosswall]
**2024-04-26** @PinkHoodie sent 1 puzzle using variant ´´heterocut´´!
**2024-07-11** The ´´crosswall´´ variant is now working correctly (@AnuragSahay), cause: missing dependency in variant rule