
page.author first shared a page.title puzzle in Puzzle Communication Nikoli vol.97 (2001)

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## page.title puzzles 

### site.author


### @DireKrow
Three excellent puzzles were made by @DireKrow to celebrate the puzz.link implementation in July 2023.

### @GoldenOpal
This tricky puzzle was made by @GoldenOpal in August 2023: 

### @PinkHoodie

#### Hex


This puzzle uses the ´´hex´´ variant:

## Acknowledgements
Thanks to @bayrenshu and @Wand for suggesting the addition of movement puzzles, particularly page.title.
Thanks to @Calcogen and @XSheep for finding a non-uniqueness in the example puzzle, now corrected.
Thanks to @XSheep for suggesting two different marks per tile, and later for suggesting improvements that resulted in [movement mode|kudamono/drawing-modes#movement]

Thanks to @Yuyuki for finding an encoding bug, now fixed.

**2023-07-24** Updated brownies drawing mode to disallow turning - thanks to @Menderbug
**2023-07-30** Added 3 excellent puzzles by @Direkrow. Thank you!
**2023-08-09** Thanks to @GoldenOpal for transcribing a tricky puzzle for listing!
**2023-12-11** Fixed a regression found by @spectrialimina - thank you!
**2024-03-05** The ´´hex´´ variant is now fully compatible with [brownies], a suggestion by @PinkHoodie, who also made variant rule panel and a puzzle!
**2024-03-26** @JustKirb [modernised the rule panels|kudamono/panels#modern] of [Brownies] - thank you!