${DynamicText("About this genre (loading...)")}

## page.title puzzles
### site.author


## page.title Variants

### No Crossing



## Acknowledgements
Thanks to @MartinEnder for help clarifying the rules, checking the uniqueness of the example puzzle and for suggesting the double-diagonal aux marks!

**2023-07-08** ´´no-crossing´´ variant added (@Solyu). Thanks to @Menderbug for finding a non-uniqueness, fixed
**2023-09-06** Colouring different lines now active by default (thanks @xian)
**2024-02-06** @PinkHoodie brought [Achtelwenden] to the [modern format|kudamono/panels#modern] today - thank you!
**2024-02-09** In addition, the ´´no-crossing´´ variant panel was also made by @PinkHoodie